/manager/Index en-au 5 Enhanced degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons in real soil by dual-frequency ultrasound-activated persulfate /manager/Repository/uon:47136 4 and .OH in DFUS/PS is ~1.6 times and ~2.5 times as much, respectively, as in high frequency US/PS. The relative contributions to the synergistic TPH degradation in the DFUS/PS system are: SO.4 (PS activation via the heat induced by US) > pyrolysis inside the bubbles (hydrophobicity of TPH) > SO.4 (PS activation via US cavitation) > .OH. Finally, the hypothesis is confirmed via the evaluation of the degradation kinetics, which shows that the combined process of DFUS/PS is not a simple addition of the US and PS, but provides a highly effective process of synergistic degradation.]]> Wed 14 Dec 2022 15:20:32 AEDT ]]> Insights into the oxidation kinetics and mechanism of diesel hydrocarbons by ultrasound activated persulfate in a soil system /manager/Repository/uon:36531 -1min-1[DHC]0[PS]. The results also revealed that increasing the content of DHC, Cl-, HCO₃̅ and HA would inhibit the removal of DHC. An acidic condition and high US power were shown to facilitate the DHC degradation. Finally, the DHC degradation mechanism was examined using radical quenching and ESR (electron spinning resonance spectrum) experiments, which showed that the SO·₄̅ generated through the heat induced by US was the predominant oxidising species and main contributor to the synergic oxidation.]]> Tue 20 Feb 2024 11:39:31 AEDT ]]>